25j IPVS - Studiedag vaccinatie bij varkens
Het Pand, Onderbergen 1, Gent
vaccination, immune, intestinal, bacterial, pathogens, viral, respiratory
Studiedag naar aanleiding van 25 jaar IPVS Begian Branche op 19 november 2010 "Vaccinatie bij varkens"
Morning session Chair: prof. dr. K. Chiers
08u30 - 09u15: Reception, welcome (coffee)
09u15 - 09u20: Welcome, president IPVS Belgian branch
prof. dr. D. Maes
09u20 - 10u10: Functioning of the immune system in pigs: more is not always better
prof. dr. W. Leibold
10u10 - 10u40: Vaccination against intestinal bacterial pathogens
dr. F. Boyen
10u40 - 11u10: Coffee break and posters
11u10 - 11u40: Pauze
11u40 - 12u30: Vaccination against viral pathogens: influenza
prof. dr. K. Van Reeth
12u30 - 14u00: Lunch - posters Afternoon session
prof. dr. D. Maes
14u00 - 14u40: Vaccination against respiratory bacterial pathogens
dr. A. Palzer
14u40 - 15u20: Vaccination against intestinal bacterial pathogens
dr. F. Boyen
15u20 - 15u50: Coffee break and posters
15u50 - 16u15: Vaccination against parasitic infections: what are the possibilities
dr. P. Geldhof
16u15 - 16u45: Economic aspects of vaccination programs in pig herds
dr. ir. L. Lauwers
16u45 - 17u30: Panel discussion with all the speakers of the day
17u30 - 17u40: IPVS Belgian Branch prize + poster prize
Reception and diner